We had a lovely day in Geraardsbergen at our annual clubshow:
- V-Miyuki Go Kireina Takara (7 months, puppy class males): 1 very promising + best of breed puppy.
Owners: Yves Merveillie & Pascale Ameel
- V-Motoki Go Kireina Takara (7 months, puppy class males): 2 very promising.
Owners: Laurens Koninkx & Jolien Caenepeel
- Raigorou Go Kireina Takara (4 years, open class males): 1 excellent + rCAC + reserve best male.
- Uzume Go Kireina Takara (16 months, intermediate class females): 2 excellent.
- Torahime Go Bushido No Torii Kensha (6 years, champion class females): 1 excellent + CAC + BOS!!!
- Raigorou and Uzume, my two precious Sachi kids, also took BIS couple.
Judge: Mr. Van Den Bosch
Congratulations to all winners and thank you to our furfamily for the lovely day in good company.
On the picture: Torahime Go Bushido No Torii Kensha