We had a good time last saturday, 21/08, at Antwerp International Dogshow 2021 - finally seeing some good friends again and coming home with lovely results and on top of it, a brand new Belgian Champion.
- Unshou Ryuu Go Wataky Kensha (minor puppy males for the last time): 3 very promising. He’s doing well, but ofcourse he’s in his monkey stage at the moment.
- Uzume Go Kireina Takara (minor puppy females): 1 very promising + BEST OF BREED MINOR PUPPY. So so so proud of my little rascal.
Last, but not least...
- Torahime Go Bushido No Torii Kensha (champion class females): 1 EXC + CAC + CACIB + BEST OF BREED, and finally we got that last point to finish her title. What a great Birthday for her and I’m just stoked that judges see her worth and start to appreciate kurotora more and more.
Judge: Mr. Van den Bosch G.