Team Kireina Takara rocked the ring again:
- V-Motoki Go Kireina Takara (5 months, minor puppy males): 2 very promising
Owner: Laurens Koninkx & Jolien Caenepeel
- V-Rinoka Go Kireina Takara (5 months, minor puppy females): 1 very promising
Owner: Romy Kuckelkorn
- V-Reimi Go Kireina Takara (5 months, minor puppy females): 2 very promising
Owner: Thijs Samyn
My very own babies did well too:
- Uzume Go Kireina Takara (14 months, youth class females): 1 excellent + best youth + BEST FEMALE!!!
- Raigorou Go Kireina Takara (almost 4 years, open class males): 1 excellent + CAC + !!!BEST OF BREED!!!
Also, congratulations to Thijs Samyn for winning best of breed minor puppy with V-Aiji Tora No Ko Kensha (Takagorou Go Kireina Takara's son).
Great success for Sachi’s kids, grandkids and even great-grandkid!
Judge: Mr. Momcilo